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    Legal notice

    LKW-Kommunalfahrzeuge Neuhaus GmbH
    Schachtstraße 2
    D-59379 Selm

    Tel.: +49 (0)2592 - 9118-0
    Fax.: +49 (0)2592 - 9118-40
    Mob.: +49 (0)171 - 32 50 603

    E-Mail: info@neuhaus-lkw.de
    Internet: www.neuhaus-lkw.de

    Authorized Managing Director: Mr. Andre Neuhaus

    USt-IdNr. according to § 27a Umsatzsteuergesetz: DE811451651

    Register court: Landgericht Dortmund
    Register number: B17596

    Responsible for the content according to § 55 Abs. 2 RStV: Mr. Andre Neuhaus

    Dispute settlement:
    The European Commission provides an online dispute resolution (OS) platform that you can find here: https://ec.europa.eu/consumers/odr/
    Our e-mail address can be found above in the imprint.

    We are not obligated and unwilling to participate in dispute resolution procedures before a consumer arbitration board.

    Liability notice:
    Despite careful content control, we assume no liability for the content of external links. The content of the linked pages are the sole responsibility of their operators.

    Programming: www.portweb.de